Friday, November 13, 2009


my mom is a goof and blocked the internet off my cell. is there anyway i could still get ringtones onto it?

use the best free site and the most reliable one that i have found

its called


ive used ,many sites

Ventones is the best one that I have used
Reply:latest ringtones and wallpapers just in


Reply:lol nt really....if your phone have blue tooth you can pair with soomeone you know
Reply:go to audio sparx

check it out in:

in ads section. right column
Reply:Yes go to:

You can upload music from your PC, use any portion of the song you want as your ringer. You can get free tones from the website!

They send ring tones to your cell phone by txt message, then you save the tune on your phone and free ring tone.....

Good luck to you!
Reply:There are two basic ways to transfer ringtones onto a cell phone if you don't have internet access.

1. Sync - Some phones have the ability to syncronize files onto the device using a data cable that usually connects to a


2. Bluetooth - Most phones today have bluetooth capability usually located in Settings under Connections and then Bluetooth. With bluetooth you can connect to another phone or PC and send files, but most purchased ringtones cannot be transfered.

If you have a PC with bluetooth capabilities I would recommend downloading free ringtone creating software. This software allows you to edit audio files, making them into ringtones. And you can pick whatever part of the song you like. Its a lot cheaper than buying ringtones for $2.50 a piece

If not, then ask around and see if any one has ringtones that arent locked. Ringtones that arent locked can be sent by going into the menu while a ringtone is highlighted and pressing Send, Copy, etc. You then just have to locate the receiving phone on the sending phone.

Hope this was helpful.

NOTE: Websites that send you ringtones via text message require internet access to download the file.

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